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Showing posts from September, 2018

IMPORTANT-ETC545: Module 3: Instructor’s Notes

Congratulations on finishing our Module 2 instructions and requirements. Below are a few my observations and reflections on our first week instructions to help you to advance your online learning experiences. Module 3 Highlight (9/24-10/7) DUE: 9/30, Sunday ·          Due: 1st posting period for Module 3 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions. DUE: 10/7, Sunday: ·          2nd posting period for Module 3 discussions: TWO or more postings : Respond to all KEY questions; Respond to others' postings. Total TEN postings at least for this module. Module 2 Discussion Notes: Instructor's Reflections: I shared my reflections below to help you to summarize and to understand our discussion topic. Don't miss to help you to get deeper understanding on the topics. More active: Great to see. We were more active and interactive, particularly in 2 nd posting period and engaged in Learner-Learner interaction and more free-flow di

ETC545: Module 2 Instructor’s Notes

Congratulations on finishing our Module 1 instructions and requirements.  You may notice that our class covers wide range of Internet technology integration for teaching and learning.  Below are a few of my observations and reflections on our first week instructions to help you to advance your online learning experiences. Module 2 Highlight (09/10-23) 9/17, Monday: Assignment 2: Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Projects : Receive evaluation instructions from ETC567 instructor via NAU e-mail, If you didn't receive it, contact Suzan Rhoades . DUE: 9/16, Sunday 1st posting period for Module 2 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions. DUE: 9/23, Sunday: 2nd posting period for Module 2 discussions: TWO or more postings : Respond to all KEY questions; Respond to others' postings. Total TEN postings at least for this module. Assignment 2: Part I: Web Tool Evaluation DUE: Assignment 2: Part II: Evaluating ET

ETC545: Module 1 Discussion: Instructor’s Reflection

I hope you had positive learning experiences in Module 1. With good understanding on Module 1 discussion topics, it will help you to prepare the upcoming modules.  I encourage you to go back to re-read the readings or search more readings to help you to understand these theory, pedagogy, and concepts. Here are a few my reflections to share with you to improve your upcoming performances. I you have high learning expectation for your high quality performances, active and interactive participations in our course community.   M1-KEY-1-Active Learning: Instructor's Reflection Technologies do not directly mediate learning. That is, people do not learn from computers, books, videos, or the other devices that were developed to transmit information. Rather, learning is mediated by thinking (mental processes). Thinking is activated by learning activities, and learning activities are mediated by instructional interventions, including technologies. Learning requires thinking by

Module 2: 9/10-23 Highlight

09/16, Sunday Due: 1st posting period for Module 2 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions. Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Project. 09/17, Monday: Receive ETC567 instructor's instructions via NAU e-mail .  09/23, Sunday Due: 2nd posting period for Module 2 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total TEN postings at least for this module. Due: Assignment 2: Part I: Web Tool Evaluation Module 3 readings. Due: Assignment 2: Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Projects (Doesn't Apply to ETC545 Winter Session)  

Module 1: Instructor’s Notes: Reflection on 1st posting period

I thought we should reflect on what we have accomplished in the 1 st posting period for Module 1 discussions to help us to improve our learning experiences.  I hope you find them useful. Due: 9/9, Sunday, 11:59pm MST (AZ Time): Assignment 1: PLE Development Module 1 Discussions-1 st Posting Period o    What we did right: §   Responded to all key discussion questions in the first posting period. §   I saw many thorough and comprehensive responses to the key discussions with relevant and strong references support. §   Some of you started respond to other students' postings. It is a great way to engage us in more learner-learner interaction. o    What should I do in the 2 nd posting period §   TWO or more postings for the 2 nd posting period: Respond to others' postings. More are always encouraged. §   Total 10 posting at least for Module 1 (Previous students' average was 12.59 postings; See Discussion Analyses: https://sit


Web Systems Specialist: Lead Academic Designer: Senior Academic Designer/Editor: