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Showing posts from October, 2019

ETC545: Fall 2019 Ended

Dear ETC545 students,   The session has ended.  Hopefully all of your class responsibilities have been completed and you will be free to enjoy your break.   The grades for the class are being finalized and will be posted within 3-5 days.  You will receive a notification by e-mail & Tweet when the grade is posted.  It is important for you to check your grade book and NAU e-mail as frequently as possible to review your grade before it is finalized.  Be aware that I may have questions regarding to your assignments etc.   This has been a great experience working with you.  It was a very challenging and intensive course.  I think all of you have done a great job.  Particularly, we set a few new records for module discussions.  You should be proud of you.  This is just a start for you to integrate technology into your teaching and learning.  I hope you have are able to integrate what you learn in our class.  I have to say this session is one of the best one I

Congratulations: Course Evaluation Reached to 100%

Total 1.25 bonus point added to all students. 1 point: Participated the course evaluation. .125: Reached to 85% Return Rate .125: Reached to 85% Return Rate

ETC545: Final Week

(same message sent to NAU/BBLearn E-mail)   Dear ETC545 Students,   The end of the session is right around the corner.   How's your signature assignment (Assignment 4 WBI Unit) going?  Overwhelmed?  I understand how hard it is can be during the final process of the session because it is very intensive. I just wanted to check with you to make sure that everything is going well.  Not just the course, if there is anything I can assist you with, please feel free to ask me. I would be happy to assist you.  If I don't have answers, I will help you find them.   Remember, all course requirements must be completed by midnight, Friday, 10/18/2019, unless you have special arrangement.   Module 4 discussions: 2 nd Posting period If you haven't responded to the surveys for the Module 4 discussions, be sure to do so ASAP.  Without responding them, it is very hard to address our discussion questions. Respond to others' postings. Total at l

JOBS: Instructional Designers

Instructional Designer: Instructor & Academic Coordinator in Instructional Design and Technology:  

Module 3 Discussion: Instructor’s Reflections

Here are my reflections on Module 3 discussion topics to help you to conclude each discussion topics.  It is important for us to conclude each discussion topics; therefore, we can make valuable reflections on what we learned.     M3-KEY-1-Visual Design: Instructor's Reflection I hope you have better understanding on visual learning, InfoViz/InfoGraphs. How do they support human learning?  Here are some information that I would like to share with you to strengthen your understanding on visual learning and InfoViz. Information visualization (InfoViz), or InfoGraphics, refers to an information design that "uses picture, symbols, colors, and words to communicate ideas, illustrate information, or express relationships visually" (Emerson, 2008, p. 4). Research has concluded that InfoViz supports learning in: problem-solving (Ware, 2004); knowledge acquisition (Keller et. al., 2005); decision making (Chi, 2002; Spencer, 2007); understanding large and otherwis

Module 4: 10/7-18

10/13, Sunday   Due: 1st posting period for Module 4 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions. Bonus Activity: Course Evaluation (See NAU e-mail for the closing date)  10/18, Friday Due: 2nd posting period for Module 4 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total TEN postings at least for this module. Due: Signature Assignment: Assignment 4: WBI Unit