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Call for proposals: Flipped classroom book

Please see the call for chapter proposals below (and attached). Please direct all questions directly to the editors. Thank you!

Call for Chapter Proposals

Proposal Submission Deadline: March 23, 2015


Working Title:

The Flipped College Classroom: Conceptualized and Re-Conceptualized



Ross Perkins, Boise State University; Lucy Santos Green, Georgia Southern University; Jennifer R. Banas, Northeastern Illinois University


A Publication of the Springer Book Series: 

Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations


Introduction: The purpose of the text is to guide professionals working in higher education in deciding whether or not to "flip" instruction. It will also provide scaffolding for the examination of instructional considerations within the flipped learning environment: learning theories, differentiation of instruction, selection of technologies, formative, and summative assessments. There are no texts currently available that focus specifically on an audience of tertiary educators. The proposed work, to be published by Springer, is specifically intended for a primary audience of instructors and professors, and a secondary audience of instructional designers (in higher education) and faculty development staff.


Description: The text will be made up of ten to twelve interrelated chapters submitted by different authors, and organized by three editors. The first five chapters provide a descriptive, progressive narrative on the flipped classroom including its history, connection to theory, structure, and strategies, including questions to consider when evaluating the purpose and effectiveness of flipping.


The remaining chapters highlight case studies of flipped higher education classrooms within different subject areas. Each case study is similarly structured to highlight the reasons behind flipping, principles guiding flipped instructions, strategies used, and lessons learned. The proposed appendix will contain lesson plans, course schedules, and descriptions of specific activities.


Chapter Outline: We seek chapter authors based on the following outline. While a sub-outline for each chapter has been provided to suggest the nature of the text, proposals may suggest an alternative organization to the chapter content and/or additional content.   Each chapter should consist of a critical analysis. Controversies, alternate points of view, and disagreements within the area should be addressed.




Chapter 1: The Flipped Classroom – A brief, brief history

[~2500 words including references, excluding tables and figures]

1. Recent history - Naming the practice

2. Flipped classroom – Un-named but in practice years earlier

3. Why are we talking about this now?


Chapter 2: The Flipped Classroom – In Theory

[~3000 words including references, excluding tables and figures]

1. What kinds of things make it flipped?

2. How are these things connected to theories and models?

3. What's flipped? What's not?


Chapter 3: Step by Step, Slowly I Flip

[~3000 words including references, excluding tables and figures]

1. What is the structure of a flipped classroom? (use ID principles!)

2. How to I begin to design a flipped course? 

3. How do I flip an existing course?

4. Supplementary materials (to be included in the Appendix): Lesson plans, course schedules, etc.


Chapter 4: Tools of the Trade - What do you need to flip?

[~3000 words including references, excluding tables and figures]

1. What do you need to do a no or low-tech flip?

2. How can I step it up with some mid-range tech tools?

3. How can I dazzle with high tech?


Chapter 5: Evaluation ... how do you know it is working?

[~3000 words including references, excluding tables and figures]

1. Is flipping okay for all learners?

2. What do you need to know about your audience?

3. How can you meet the needs of your learners? (consider students who are socially-economically disadvantaged, students with learning disabilities, ELL's, and cultural differences)

4. Knowing when to flip and when not to flip



 *Note: See Guiding Questions for Case Study Chapters.  A person interested in submitting only one case (instead of the whole chapter) should feel free to contact us.

Chapter 6: Flipping the Humanities (ex., Art Appreciation, Civil War History, Shakespearean Drama, etc.) [3000-3500 words (depending on number of cases) including references, excluding tables and figures]. Includes up to three cases + Connections and Conclusions. 

Chapter 7: Flipping Education (ex., Preservice and Inservice Teacher Education: Foundations of Education, Elementary Reading Methods, Curriculum Design and Evaluation, etc.) [3000-3500 words (depending on number of cases) including references, excluding tables and figures]. Includes up to three cases + Connections and Conclusions.

Chapter 8: Flipping Engineering (ex., Construction Estimation, Circuit Boards, Statics, etc.) [3000-3500 words (depending on number of cases) including references, excluding tables and figures]. Includes up to three cases + Connections and Conclusions.

Chapter 9: Flipping Science/Math/Computing [3000-3500 words (depending on number of cases) including references, excluding tables and figures]. Includes up to three cases + Connections and Conclusions.

Chapter 10: Flipping Health Sciences (ex., Respiratory Care, Mechanics of Motion - Kinesiology, Anatomy & Physiology, etc.) [3000-3500 words (depending on number of cases) including references, excluding tables and figures]. Includes up to three cases + Connections and Conclusions.


Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Course Schedules, etc.

Guiding Questions for Case Study Chapters: Chapters in Part II: The Cases shall describe specific cases of flipped learning in higher education. We anticipate each chapter will contain two to three case studies guided by the following questions:


1.     A description of the course and its context within a program of study

2.     What are the learning goals of the course/unit being flipped?

3.     Who are the learners?

4.     Why was a flipped approach pursued?

5.     What instructional design, learning theory or other models, literature and other resources guided the construction of the flipped classroom?

6.     What is the structure of the flipped classroom? What does it look like?

7.     How were learners prepared for the flipped learning environment?

8.     What kinds of activities were planned for in-class? Out of class?

9.     How were the activities chosen?

10.  What tools (new technologies and traditional instructional/learning tools) supported your instruction and the students learning?

11.  How was instruction differentiated to meet individual learner's needs or interests?

12.  How was the effectiveness of the flipped classroom assessed?

13.  What changes will be made for the next course implementation?


Other Chapter Features: Upon proposal acceptance, authors will receive more details regarding additional chapter features.  These features include:

      3-5 anticipatory guided statements for the reader to self-assess their knowledge, skills, and/or beliefs prior to reading

      5-7 key words/phrases and their definitions

      3-5 resources for additional professional development or implementation  (ex. books, websites, organizations, software, etc.) and a description of each

      3-5 discussion questions to extend reader's thinking beyond the text

      Complete reference list

      Figures that enhance or extend meaning of the text

      Tables that organize, summarize, or offer new insight 

Other Expectations: Authors will be expected to work in close collaboration with the editors to ensure the expectations of a critical research entry are met. Additionally, all authors will be expected to review at least one other accepted chapter contribution.

Proposal Specifics: A complete proposal submission requires:

1.     Author bio(s): 75-100 words plus contact information, credentials, title & place of employment

2.     Indication of where you believe the chapter would fit in the outline described above

3.     Chapter proposal description: 

      Chapter preview: ~750 words

      Detailed outline with sub-headings

      5-7 key words

      ~10 sources to which you will reference in your article.

      Times New Roman, 12-point font

      No tables, charts, or images

Submit your proposal to:

      For more about this book, visit:

      For more information about the Springer Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations book series:


Important Dates:

January 26, 2015                     Invitation of authors

March 23, 2015                        Proposals due

May 4, 2015                            Feedback to proposal submitters

June 29, 2015                          Draft chapters due

August 24, 2015                       Draft chapters returned to authors with reviews

September 21, 2015                 Revisions due back to editors

October 19, 2015                     Camera ready chapters due back to submitters

November 11, 2015                 Camera ready chapters due back to editors

November 30, 2015                 Submission of final volume manuscript to Springer

December 2015                           Edited volume in press

Jennifer Banas, MPH, MSEd, EdD, CHES

Assistant Professor

Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics

Northeastern Illinois University

5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625

Phone: (773) 442-5579

Christine Greenhow
Assistant Professor
Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education
College of Education
Michigan State University
Twitter: @chrisgreenhow 
Facebook: christinegreenhow * LinkedIn: christinegreenhow 

An American Educational Research Association List If you need assistance with this list, please send an email to


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