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Showing posts from January, 2017

Assignment 1 Common Feedback

Here is the common feedback for our Assignment.   Read it carefully to help you to prepare our course instructions and upcoming assignments.   During the progress of our course, you should have a better understanding and will develop better skills to “personalize,” “manage,” and “organize” multiple leaning tools. In PLE, the process of self-directed learning requires a degree of self-awareness. Many of us may have never taken the time to think about our own meta-cognition or to reflect on how we learn best. We need to make sure we are ready for the responsibility that comes with building and managing a PLE. I encourage you to apply your PLE platforms to manage various Web 2.0 tool to maintain your people networks, tool/technology networks, and learning resource networks so you do not need to visit all Web 2.0 tools to know what are happening in each tool and network. Remember your PLE is not just about Netvibes, Symabloo, Mobile Apps, or Google Chrome.  It can be any t

Module 2 Highlight 1/30-2/12

 02/05, Sunday  Due: 1st posting period for Module 2 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions.  02/12, Sunday Due: 2nd posting period for Module 2 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total NINE postings at least for this module. Due: Assignment 2: Part I: Web Tool Evaluation Module 3 readings.

Module 1: Instructor¹s Reflection on 1st posting period

I though we should reflect on what we have accomplished in the 1 st posting period for Module 1 discussions to help us to improve our learning experiences.  I hope you find them useful. ·       Due: Sunday: Assignment 1: PLE Development ·       Module 1 Discussions-1 st Posting Period o    What we did right: §   Responded to all SEVEN key discussion questions in the first posting period. §   I saw many thorough and comprehensive responses to the key discussions with relevant and strong references support. §   Some of you started respond to other students’ postings. It is a great way to engage us in more learner-learner interaction. o    What should I do in the 2 nd posting period §   TWO or more postings for the 2 nd posting period: Respond to others' postings. More are always encouraged. §   Total 7 posting at least for Module 1 (Previous students’ average was 12.59 postings; See Discussion Analyses:

Graduate Student Government Poster Symposium: Call for Submissions

3 rd ANNUAL GRADUATE POSTER SYMPOSIUM   Are you involved in an interesting research/project that you would like to showcase to all graduate students and faculty members of NAU?  Do you have a poster that you have presented in a previous conference but you have not had a chance to exhibit it at NAU? Why not present your work in the Graduate Poster Symposium 2017? Win a monetary award (up to $500) for best poster or most popular poster presentation! The Graduate Poster Symposium highlights programs, papers, projects, and research studies of NAU graduate students from all disciplines. This event provides an opportunity for graduate students to enhance presentation skills and to introduce their research to faculty members, graduate students, and other guests interested in compelling, plainly spoken current research ideas and results beyond their disciplines. Presenters may also receive feedback. Event Details Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Immediately following

JOBS: Curriculum/Instructional Designers

Math Curriculum Designer: Instructional Designer:

Module 4 Highlight 1/9-13

 1/12, Thursday Due: 1st posting period for Module 4 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions.  1/13, Friday  Due: 2nd posting period for Module 4 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total NINE postings at least for this module. Due: Signature Assignment: Assignment 4: WBI Unit

Module 3 Highlight 1/2-8

1/5, Thursday  Due: 1st posting period for Module 3 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions. 1/8, Sunday Due: 2nd posting period for Module 3 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total NINE postings at least for this module. Due: Assignment 3: Unit proposal Bonus Activity: Course Evaluation (See NAU e-mail for the due date) Module 4 readings.