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Showing posts from 2018

JOB: Opening: Educational Technology/Learning System Specialist at UC San Diego

The Teaching + Learning Commons at UC San Diego has an opening for an Educational Technology/Learning System Specialist< >.   As part of the Common's Digital Learning team, the Educational Technology and Learning System (ETLS) Specialist will work with faculty, instructional designers, and media specialists to deploy undergraduate and graduate courses on selected Learning Management Systems (LMSs).

ETC655 Online PD Recordings Available Now

Thanks for many educators participating in ETC655 Online Professional Development Session for Educators Series.   To access current and previous recorded sessions . 11/19/2018, Monday 5:30-6:00 pm ·          Presenters: ETC655 Group 7 Topic: Google Expeditions: Virtual Reality for Education Recording: 6:30-7:00 pm ·          Presenters: ETC655 Group 3 Topic: G-Suite for Educators Recording: 7:30-8:00 pm ·          Presenters: ETC655 Group 6 Topic: Intro to Glogster Recording:   11/20/2018, Tuesday 4:30-5:00 pm ·          Presenters: ETC655 Group 2 Topic: Symbaloo, K-12 Recording: 5:30-6:00 pm ·          Presenters: ETC655 Group 4

Online Conference: TCC 2019 (Apr 16-18) : Call for Proposals Reminder

Aloha,   As we near the holiday season, we hope that this message finds you well and in good health.   This message is a reminder that our TCC 2019 Online Conference Call for Proposals continues.    The submission deadline is  December 21 .   A full description is found online at:   To submit a proposal:   Please share this information with colleagues, students, and interested friends.   We look forward to your participation in TCC 2019 next April.   Warm regards,   - Bert Kimura & Curtis Ho    For the TCC 2019 Conference Team   # # # # #   --- To unsubscribe from this mailing list --- Send a message from this email address to .  In the BODY of the message, type: SIGNOFF TCCOHANA-L. 

Save the Date: COE Commencement Reception

Friday, December 14 th , is Commencement. For those of you used to a post-commencement reception, note that this year's timing had to be adjusted for a later ceremony. The COE Fall Commencement Reception will take place before Commencement from 10:30am-12pm . Refer below for the information that was sent out to students.     Accessible Text: NAU College of Education Class of 2018 Commencement Reception   Graduating College of education students and guests are cordially invited to join COE faculty and staff for a reception following Commencement. Friday, December 14, 2018 10:30am – 12:00pm: Reception | Eastburn Education main lobby (Building 27) | Light refreshments will be served 2:00pm: Student arrival time at Skydome | Visit for complete ceremony details. 3:00pm: Commencement Ceremony | NAU Skydome   IMPORTANT: Be aware of NAU's clear bag policy and communicate it to your guests; failure to heed this new polic

Multiple Jobs

Director, Educational Technology: Digital Media Instructional Designer & Instructional Designer: Instructional Technology Coordinator (ITC):    

Educational Technology at NAU: Rank 3rd the Best Master's In Adult Education Programs in Educational Technology for 2019

I am very excited to announce that has selected Northern Arizona University as one of the Best Master's In Adult Education Programs for 2019. Congratulations!   On top of being one of only 26 top ranked programs in the United States, we wanted to let you know that you earned the added distinction of Best Technology-Focused Program . This speaks to the amazing work that your program is doing and demonstrates to our 100,000 monthly visitors that your program provides quality education that can to help students with their career aspirations.   Your program stands out as one of the best of the best in the US and we would like to help you celebrate that! We are planning to issue a press release next Friday, 11/9/18, that will highlight your program.   You can find your program recognition here:   Congrats again! Barbara Montgomery P

ETC545: Session Ended

Dear ETC545 students,   The session has ended.  Hopefully all of your class responsibilities have been completed and you will be free to enjoy your break.   The grades for the class are being finalized and will be posted within 3-5 days.  You will receive a notification by e-mail & Tweet when the grade is posted.  It is important for you to check your grade book and NAU e-mail as frequently as possible to review your grade before it is finalized.  Be aware that I may have questions regarding to your assignments etc.   This has been a great experience working with you.  It was a very challenging and intensive course.  I think all of you have done a great job.  Particularly, we set a few new records for module discussions.  You should be proud of you.  This is just a start for you to integrate technology into your teaching and learning.  I hope you have are able to integrate what you learn in our class.  I have to say this session is one of the best one I've ever had.  All of you

TONIGHT: Register for a special Flagstaff screening of TEACHING IN ARIZONA

  You're Invited to the Flagstaff Film Screening of TEACHING IN ARIZONA      Please add to your address book/safe senders list to ensure that you receive our emails. This email was sent to: This email was sent by: Expect More Arizona PO Box 16088 Phoenix, AZ 85011 UNITED STATES We respect your right to privacy - view our policy

Attend AzTEA 2018 Fall Conference: Learn Today, Teach Tomorrow

                                                  AzTEA 2018 Fall Conference: Learn Today, Teach Tomorrow   When Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM MST Add to Calendar     Where Alhambra Elementary School District 4510 N. 37th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85019 Driving Directions Dear Chih-Hsiung, AzTEA Fall 2018 Conference Learn Today, Teach Tomorrow   This event is intended to empower attendees to learn about a topic (tech tool and/or strategy for best practice in technology integration) and apply their new learning in their own classroom/school the very next day!     Sessions will be led by teachers, coaches, and administrators who are using these tools with their students or in their work.   Join us for a day of learning!

Ph.D. grant in CLDE for Special Educators, NAU

R e q u i r e m e n t s : 1.    T w o or m o r e y ea r s t e a c h i n g e x pe ri en c e as a c e r t i f i ed s pe c i al e d u c at i on t ea c her ( need do c u m enta t i on f r om S pe ci al E d u c at i on D i r e c tor of r o l e as a tea c h er w ho s e p r i m a r y r e s p o n s i b i l i t y w as i n s pe c i a l e du c a t i o n; a c op y of s pe c i al e d u c at i on t ea c h i ng c e r t i f i c ate ) .   2.    A d m i ss i on to N A U Co l l e ge of E du c a t i on C & I d o c to r al p r og r am   3.    F iv e or m o r e y ea r s of e x pe r i en c e i n a c u l tu r a l l y a nd li n gu i s t i c a ll y d i v e rs e e n vi r o n m ent.   4.    N O T on a 12 m onth c o nt r a c t.   5.    Co m p l et i o n of Ma s te r ' s D e g r ee i n S pe ci al E d u c at i on o r r e l at e d a r e a.