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Showing posts from January, 2019

Module 2 Highlight 1/28-2/10

02/03, Sunday Due: 1st posting period for Module 2 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions.   Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Project. (Doesn't apply to winter session) 02/04, Monday: Receive ETC567 instructor's instructions via NAU e-mail .  02/10, Sunday Due: 2nd posting period for Module 2 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total TEN postings at least for this module. Due: Assignment 2: Part I: Web Tool Evaluation Module 3 readings. Due: Assignment 2: Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Projects (Doesn't Apply to ETC545 Winter Session)  

OPTIONAL: BBCollaborate with Chih, 01/25, Friday, 3:00-3:30 pm, AZ Time.

Need to chat with me.  Come to ETC545 BBCollaborate Ultra. This is more like my virtual office hour.  Many of you are working your Assignment 4: Final Unit: Development of Web-Based Resources for Lesson Plan.  Need any assistance?  It is an optional activity. You can use mobile devices to access BBCollaborate as well if you prefer. Direct Link: ETC545 BBCollaborate; 571-392-7650 PIN: 858 686 2717 OR from BBLearn Menu>BBCollaborate>ETC545-BBCollaborate ultra Join Room  

GateWay CC is looking for an Intern

The Center for Teaching, Learning and Employee Development along with the Library at GateWay Community College is looking for an Intern.   We are looking for someone that has the following skills and a desire to create a great capstone project! Video editing experience (Adobe Premier, Camtasia, iMovie or any other editing software.  The easier to use the better for this project) Light Board experience (or willing to learn) Experience with story boarding Experience with instructional documentation creation (specifically written for easy of use of equipment for faculty and staff) If the Educational Technology Program is not the right fit, do you have a connection to another department that might have an interest in this Internship?   Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter!   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Have a great day! ;o)  

Module 1: Instructor’s 3rd Notes: Reflection on 1st posting period

(same message posted to course Twitter, discussion area, & BBLearn E-Mail) I thought we should reflect on what we have accomplished in the 1 st posting period for Module 1 discussions to help us to improve our learning experiences.  I hope you find them useful. Due: 1/27, Sunday, 11:59pm MST (AZ Time): Assignment 1: PLE Development Module 1 Discussions-1 st Posting Period o    What we did right: §   Responded to all EIGHT key discussion questions in the first posting period. §   I saw many thorough and comprehensive responses to the key discussions with relevant and strong references support. §   Some of you started respond to other students' postings. It is a great way to engage us in more learner-learner interaction. o    What should I do in the 2 nd posting period §   TWO or more postings for the 2 nd posting period: Respond to others' postings. More are always encouraged. §   Total 9 posting at least for Module 1 (P

Module 1; Week 2

01/27, Sunday   Due: 2nd posting period for Module 1 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to others' postings. Total TEN postings at least for this module. Due: Assignment 1: Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Development Module 2 readings.  

4 Jobs

Instructional Support Technician II: Academic Technology Specialist: Distance Education Technologist Developer: Instructional Assistant III (P/T):      

Remind: COE scholarships!

Hello COE,   This is a friendly reminder to let your students know that the COE scholarships application for the 2019-2020 academic year is open and accepting submissions. I put up posters and send out emails, but your personal connections are critical for our application's success.   Information and the link to the application can be found at   Some fun facts that many students don't realize: All students in a College of Education program of study in 2019-2020 are eligible for consideration regardless of campus, location, graduate/undergraduate status, part time/full time, etc. Financial need is not a requirement for scholarship consideration. Awards are given based on the strength of the application per the blind faculty review process. In other words, a student who has a lot of financial need and scores well won't be "bumped" if a student with no need also scores well. We find money for everyone who

4 JOBS: Instructional Designers

Instructional Designer for Active Learning: Instructional Designer: Program Manager, Data Science and Applied Computing: STEAM Education Specialists: