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Module 1: Instructor’s 3rd Notes: Reflection on 1st posting period

(same message posted to course Twitter, discussion area, & BBLearn E-Mail)

I thought we should reflect on what we have accomplished in the 1st posting period for Module 1 discussions to help us to improve our learning experiences.  I hope you find them useful.

  • Due: 1/27, Sunday, 11:59pm MST (AZ Time): Assignment 1: PLE Development
  • Module 1 Discussions-1st Posting Period

o   What we did right:

§  Responded to all EIGHT key discussion questions in the first posting period.

§  I saw many thorough and comprehensive responses to the key discussions with relevant and strong references support.

§  Some of you started respond to other students' postings. It is a great way to engage us in more learner-learner interaction.

o   What should I do in the 2nd posting period

§  TWO or more postings for the 2nd posting period: Respond to others' postings. More are always encouraged.

§  Total 9 posting at least for Module 1 (Previous students' average was 12.59 postings; See Discussion Analyses:

§  Respond to others' postings.

§  As a courtesy, don't forget to respond to the questions raised by the classmates, and the instructor to your postings.  Frequently, I ask further questions to your postings.

o   What we can improve:

§  More thorough posting.  Some of our postings were not thorough enough, not well justified.  I am looking forward for the improvement in the 2nd posting period.

§  Remember to "Reply" to the specific posting rather than initiating a new thread for our postings/responses.

§  Update the "Subject" field to reflect our posting; therefore, our subject field represent a title of our postings rather than read like "M1-KEY-5-Twitter" or "RE: M1-KEY-5-Twitter."  See the instructor's postings for the examples.

  • Q & A
    • Q: Can we e-mail you at
      • A: Yes, please feel free to e-mail me at my NAU e-mail.  I check my NAU e-mail account more often.
    • Q: It looks like we can visit ETC545 course instructions at without visiting BBLearn.
      • A: Yes, most of course instructions can be accessed on ETC545 Google Sites. Overall, module discussions, e-mails, and grade book are located on BBLearn.  The rest of instructions are on Google Sites to implement the Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Open Network Learning Environment (ONLE) designs. 
    • Q: What is the length requirement for the discussion posts? Bullet points acceptable?
      • A: There is no specific length requirement. Generally, to address each question thoroughly.  Be thorough is the key.  It is not in a paper length.  One paragraph probably is hard to address the question and justify our arguments etc.   Thorough and arguments are justified are the main keys. I am sure we have many reflections, observations and examinations that we could share with the class.  Bulletin points are fine but through and comprehensive are the keys.
    • Q: Do I need to respond to all "Follow-Up" questions by the instructor?
      • A: Not required. If you have any reflections and ideas on the "Follow-Up" questions, please do share with us.  Don't hold it back.
    • Q: Do I need to cite the text in any of the discussion posts?
      • A: Highly encouraged but not required.
    • Q: Can I follow up on my own responses to the key discussion questions?
      • A: Yes. If you feel your first attempt to answer the key discussion questions is not thorough, you are encouraged to post follow-up postings to demonstrate your understanding on the discussion topics.




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