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Showing posts from 2011

Module 2 Highlight (12/26-1/1)

12/26: Monday Lesson 3: Assessment and Evaluation Lesson 4: Technology Operations and Concepts 12/29 Thursday Due: 1st posting period for Module 2 discussions : Two postings at least: Respond to at least two KEY discussion questions 01/01 Sunday Due: Assignment 3: Web Publishing Assignment: Module Content Analysis on Wiki 2nd posting period for Module 2 discussions : Two Postings at least: Respond others' responses or to original questions. Assignment 8: Module 2 Group Wiki Presentations (Team 2 Only) Module 3 readings. Optional Assignment: Lesson Plan for Online Instructions Optional Exercise: Developing Rubrics for Web-Enhanced Instructions

Module 1: 1st Posting Period (M-Th)

1st posting period for Module 1 discussions : Two postings at least: Respond to at least two KEY question.

Module 1 Highlight (12/19-25)

12/22Thursday Due: 1st posting period for Module 1 discussions : Two postings at least: Respond to at least two KEY question. 12/25Sunday Due: Assignment 2: iGoogle 2nd posting period for Module 1 discussions : Two Postings at least: Respond others' responses or to original questions. Module 2 readings.

Final Grade Posted

Dear ETC545 Students,   The final grades have been posted in the grade book on BBLearn.   Please check your grade ASAP.   If you have questions about your grade, please contact me by December 18, 2011, Sunday.   I will assume that you agree with your grade if I don't hear from you.   I highly recommend that you save a copy of your grade book and save it in your records.   For now on, please forward your correspondence to my NAU e-mail account at Chih.Tu@Nau.Edu .   If you have not completed the Course Evaluation, please visit this URL to complete the evaluation.   Course Evaluation:   ETC 545 BBLearn access will be locked after the session. If you would like to keep a copy of course materials, please visit ETC545Wiki at:   During the session we have joined various Web 2.0 groups, please free to leave the groups, such as Facebook group, course Wetpaint, Wetpaint, ETC545 Twitter etc.   We will use the same gr

Checklist for L7 Activities: Due 12/11

L7 discussions: Respond to 2 surveys/KEY discussion questions. Total 4 postings at least. Due: Assignment 5: Evaluations on Web-Based Resources for Lesson Plan Due: Assignment 6: Part II: Lesson Plan Presentations Due: Assignment 7: Collaborative Evaluations Participate NAU's course evaluation .

L7 Summary

12/11, Sunday Due: Assignment 5: Evaluations on Web-Based Resources for Lesson Plan Due: Assignment 6: Part II: Lesson Plan Presentations Due: Assignment 7: Collaborative Evaluations Due: Lesson 7 discussions: Four postings at least: Respond to both KEY discussion questions ; and Respond others' responses or to original questions. Participate NAU's course evaluation .           

Notes for Final Lesson Plan & Lesson Plan Presentation

It was very good to speak to some of you on Thursday nights.   Here are a few reminders to help you complete your final unit and unit presentation.   Final Unit ·       Use " Assignment Requirements" as a checklist to ensure your unit meets all the requirements. ( ) ·       Be sure to have effective Online constructivist instructional strategies and/or Open Network Learning Environment instructional strategies Unit Presentation on Elluminate ·       Be sure you have a working microphone ·       Go through Elluminate video tutorials: ·       PowerPoint is not required. ·       Using   "Start a Web Tour"     feature to provide a grand tour for your final unit on the web by following the required presentation instructions is considered the easiest way to complete your presentation. ·       How to locate my presentation recording? Ple

Elluminate with Chih

12/01/11, Thursday, 5:30-6:30 pm. Sign-up: Elluminate:

L6 Highlight (11/14-20; 11/28-12/04)

11/21-11/27: Thanksgiving Week; No Required instructions Lesson 6 Productivity & Professional Practice Lesson Discussions (2 points) BBLearn discussion board. Moderator: Team 6 11/16, Wednesday Due: Team 5's Lesson 5 discussion grade sheet 11/17, Thursday Due: 1st posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to one of KEY discussion questions. 11/20, Sunday Due: 2nd posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question and/or respond to others' postings. Lesson 6 Moderators post Lesson 6 discussion question on discussion board. 11/21-11/27: Thanksgiving Week: No Required Instructions 12/01, Thursday Due: 3rd posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question and/or respond to others' postings. 12/04, Sunday Due: 4th posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question and/or respond to o

My Messages/E-Mail no BBLearn

NAU has installed a new module called "My Messages." This module will show any courses that have new items in the Messages tool. NAU took the liberty of adding it to your My Bb Learn page so that you will have immediate access to it; you may remove it if you wish. You may also add it to a module page in your course (e.g., your Home Page) by going to that module page and clicking "Add Course Module."

Reminder: Tonight: Web 2.0 Technology Training

Don’t miss tonight’s sessions!  We had excellent sessions last night.  All training sessions are hosted on Elluminate.  You do not need to sign up for the sessions.  All sessions will be recorded for later access.  You can access this and previous semesters’ ^ last night’s recordings at:   Date: November 2, Wednesday, 6-7 pm Arizona Time   Title: VoiceThread Speaker: ETC647 Group 3 Facilitator: ETC647 Students           Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space.   More information/Flyer   Date: November 2, Wednesday, 7:15-8:15 pm Arizona Time   Title: Using Mobile Learning: The Next Step Speaker: ETC647 Group 2 Facilitator: ETC647 Students            Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space.             More information/Flyer  

Reminder: Tonight: Web 2.0 technology for teaching and learning

ETC 647 students are providing Web 2.0 Technology Training on November 1 & 2 .  Please join us to learn new Web 2.0 technology for teaching and learning. All training sessions are hosted on Elluminate.  You do not need to sign up for the sessions.  All sessions will be recorded for later access.  You can access this and previous semesters’’ recordings at:   Date: November 1, Tuesday, 6-7 pm Arizona Time   Title: Kerpoof Speaker: ETC647 Group 4 Facilitator: ETC647 Students           Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space. More information/Flyer   Date: November 1, Tuesday, 7:15-8:15 pm Arizona Time   Title: Delicious Stacks"- a new flavor, still Delicious Speaker: ETC647 Group 1 Facilitator: ETC647 Students           Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space. More information/Flyer  

Lesson 5 Highlight: 10/31-11/13

Lesson 5 Teaching, Learning, & the Curriculum Lesson Discussions (2 points) BBLearn discussion board. Moderator: Team 5 11/02, Wednesday Due: Team 4's Lesson 4 discussion grade sheet 11/03, Thursday Due: 1st posting period for Lesson 4 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to one of KEY discussion questions. 11/06, Sunday Due: 2nd posting period for Lesson 5 discussions : At least one or more entries. Due: Team 6 post your Lesson 6 discussion question. 10/10, Thursday Due: 3rd posting period for Lesson 5 discussions : One posting. 10/13, Sunday Due: 4th posting period for Lesson 5 discussions : At least one posting. Due: Module 3 Content Analysis on Wiki Lesson 6 readings

Reminder: Web 2.0 Technology Training: Tuesday & Wednesday

Want to learn how to integrate Web 2.0 technology to support your teaching? ETC 647 students are providing Web 2.0 Technology Training on November 1 & 2 .  Please join us to learn new Web 2.0 technology for teaching and learning. All training sessions are hosted on Elluminate.  You do not need to sign up for the sessions.  All sessions will be recorded for later access.  You can access this and previous semesters'' recordings at:   Date: November 1, Tuesday, 6-7 pm Arizona Time   Title: Kerpoof Speaker: ETC647 Group 4 Facilitator: ETC647 Students           Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space. More information/Flyer   Date: November 1, Tuesday, 7:15-8:15 pm Arizona Time   Title: Delicious Stacks"- a new flavor, still Delicious Speaker: ETC647 Group 1 Facilitator: ETC647 Students           Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space. More information/Flyer   Date: November 2, Wednesda

Assignment 3 Web Publishing Notes

Thanks for many of you shared your web publishing experiences with me!   Here are the notes to share with you to help you to improve your Assignment 3.   Q: Do we need to produce any web page for Assignment 3? A: No. All you need to do is go through different tutorials and answer the four questions.   You do not need to submit any web page you create, either, even you did create some.   Q: I am having difficult time with FTP. Is it acceptable if I couldn't finish FTP? A: Yes, it is perfectly acceptable.   FTP and HTML editor are fairly challenging to understand; however, it is the most common way to create and to publish more advanced web pages.   Q: I like really wiki.   Can I focus more on evaluating wiki tools since I plan to use wiki for my final unit? A: Yes.   In the past, almost all students integrate wiki to deliver their final online unit since it is much easier to understand, to design, and to develop unless you are verycomfortable with FTP and HTML editor and

Q: For Assignemnt 3, do we need to create actual web pages & publish them?

A: No.  We do not need create any web pages at this point.  All we need to do is to select the tutorials & go thought the tutorials  & share our tutorial experiences.  You may or may not have any problems while going through the tutorials.  FTP generally is the most challenging one.  It may not work for you if you are not familiar with it.  Don’t worry that it doesn’t work.  All we need to do is to share our tutorial experiences.  If some work, we report them in our assignment.  Some may not work and share your experience as well.  One student indicate that “Pine” web server works better than “dana” server.  You can find NAU’s Pine web server at:  

Online Learning Satisfaction Survey

Dear Fellow Graduate Student: My name is Moussa Tankari and I am a doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction with focus on Educational Technology at Northern Arizona University. I am conducting a research on culture and student satisfaction with their online learning experience. I am hoping that you could help me with my research by completing some quick and easy questionnaires that will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes of your time. The online questionnaires include a cultural orientation section, a section on student satisfaction with online learning, and a demographic section. To qualify to participate in this study you need to be at least 18 years of age and currently enrolled in a graduate study program at NAU. If you meet these criteria and you are interested in participating, please follow the link below to the website to complete the questionnaires. There is no more than risk encountered in everyday life in participating in this study. You are free to withdraw

Module 2 Content Analysis Common Feedback

While you are preparing your Module 3 content analysis, here are the feedbacks to share with you to help you to improve this assignment contribution.  These common feedback and the individual feedback that you received in your e-mail should help you to prepare you Module 3 Content Analysis and to prepare your final unit. ·       I am so pleased so see most of you have improved a lot on your analysis in compare to M1. ·       Avoid duplicate others' ideas.   Your ideas, and analysis should be original. So share your analysis ASAP before the ideas are shared by others. ·       Module 3 will focus on "interactive" level, so be sure our design should have "online collaboration," "online learner-learner interaction," " student online publishing," "online student content sharing," etc. ·       Be creative with your ideas. ·       Your content analysis can be integrated into your final unit.   Let me know if you need any help on y