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Module 2 Instructor¹s Notes

Congratulations on finishing our Module 1 instructions and requirements.  You may notice that our class covers wide range of Internet technology integration for teaching and learning.  Below are a few of my observations and reflections on our first week instructions to help you to advance your online learning experiences.

Module 2 Highlight (1/29-2/11)

1/20, Tuesday:

·      Assignment 2: Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Projects: Receive evaluation instructions from ETC567 instructor via NAU e-mail, If you didn’t receive it, contact Suzan Rhoades

DUE: 2/4, Sunday

·      1st posting period for Module 2 discussions: You must respond to ALL KEY discussion questions.

DUE: 2/5, Monday

·      Assignment 2: Part II: Evaluating ETC567 Projects

o   E-Mail ETC567 instructor AND Submit it to BBLearn

DUE: 6/18, Sunday:

·      2nd posting period for Module 2 discussions: TWO or more postings: Respond to all KEY questions; Respond to others' postings. Total NINE postings at least for this module.

·      Assignment 2: Part I: Web Tool Evaluation

Module 1 Discussion Statistical Analyses

·      I posted my reflections for each of our Module 1 key discussion question.  Read them in BBLearn Discussion Board to help you to enhance your upcoming discussions.

·      Highest postings in the class: 19; Lowest Postings: 7

·      Average postings per student: 13.50 (Our class average did not go above the historical average & achieved the highest postings.)

·      Historical Average from previous semesters: 11.89 (Highest: 19.29; Lowest: 6.00)

Module 2 Discussion Notes

·      More postings: More than minimum postings are highly encouraged.  Do not hesitate to ask our classmates questions and comment on their postings.  In fact, in the past, ETC545 students’ average postings range from 8 to 13 postings for each module. Of course, we focus on both quality and quantity. See Discussion Statistical Analyses:

·      2nd Posting Period (2nd week of Module): Be sure to participate in the 2nd posting period.  Several of you missed it.  It is more like a free dialogue with our classmates. Don’t forget to respond the questions or comments made on our postings.  I noticed several of you missed responding them.  I am looking forward your improvement in Module 2.  Frequently, I ask you further questions to help you to engage in deeper learning. Be sure to respond to them.

·      Avoid Initiating New Thread: Use “Reply” rather than “Create Thread” to respond to the discussion questions; therefore, our discussion board threads would be easier to follow and to navigate.

·      Key Technology Discussion Questions: In each module, we have a few key technology discussion questions.  Don’t forget to obtain a free account and try them out.  We would have better learning experiences in examining and evaluating them.

·      Greeting: It would be more effective that we greet with the classmate’s name(s) when we reply their postings.  It is easier for others to know “who is talking to whom about what.” For example, if we reply to Mary’s posting, we should greet with her name then our responses.

·      Update Subject Filed: Don’t forget to update the subject field when you reply.  You can see my postings for the examples.

·      Challenge Discussion Questions: Don’t be afraid to respond to the challenge questions even they are not required key discussion questions.  The challenge questions could enhance your knowledge in technology integration to higher level.

·      Have questions: If you have any questions for the instructor, be sure to e-mail me rather than posting in the discussion area. So I can assist you in a timely fashion.

Assignment 1: PLE Setup

·      Kaizena’s multimedia feedback:  I use Kaizena, a Google Doc’s Add-on tool, to provide some multimedia feedback.  Take a close look on this tool.  I think it is very useful for educators to provide more interactive feedback. 

·      Common Feedback: Here are a few tips for you to learn more about each tool. 

o   I encourage you to apply Symbaloo or Netvibes to manage various Web 2.0 tool so you do not need to visit all Web 2.0 tools to know what are happening in each tool.  In PLE, the process of self-directed learning requires a degree of self-awareness.  Many of us may have never taken the time to think about their meta-cognition or to reflect on how we learn best. We need to make sure we are ready for the responsibility that comes with building and managing a PLE.

o   Personally, I visit my Symbaloo or Netvibes when I start working on my computers. My Symbaloo, Netvibes and PLE tab provide a good glance of my teaching and learning updates.  I keep my Symbaloo or Netvibes open all the time when I am working on my computers.  When I am not on my computers, my smart-phone with apps provide me similar functions as well.

o   If you have smartphones or tablets, you can download Apps (like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, VoiceThread, RSS Readers etc.) onto your phone, so you can access your PLE on our phone to integrate "Mobile Learning" to enhance your own learning.

o   Our feedback is provided via Google Docs' commenting feature and Kaizena’s multimedia feedback.  You can reply to my comments to continue our conversations on certain comments. So it is more like a collaborative conversations/feedback/comments.  It makes our online interaction more dynamic.


Upcoming Assignments

·      Assignment 2: Web Tool Evaluation

o   Be comprehensive and justify your arguments. Prepare early. It is not a last minute type of assignment.  It involves us in technical production activities. Be sure to tryout different wiki tools.

o   Share your assignment early with me via Google Docs at and continue working on your assignment before the deadline.

·      Assignment 3 & 4: Proposal & Development of Web-Based Unit

o   Have you thought about your final unit topic and ideas?  It is always encouraged to start early. Need assistance?  Do not hesitate to contact me.


·      Technology Integrations: Always use four components of technology-based learning to guide your learning.  Four components: Content; Delivery technology; Instructional strategies; and assessments.  Content is easy to develop because you are the content experts.  Delivery technology is referred as hard technology, such as computers, smartphone, Internet, web pages, Web 2.0 tools, blog, wiki etc. Instructional strategies are referred to online collaboration, online discussions/discourses, online learner-learner, learner-instructor, learner-content, learner-interface interactions, online reflections, online learning community etc. Assessments are referred to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of Content, Delivery technology, and Instructional strategies. In ETC545, we need to focus on learning how to design effective delivery technology, online instructional strategies, and relevant assessments.

·      Online Instructional Strategies: Focus your learning on “instructional strategies” such as, online collaboration, online learner-learner interaction, online discussions, PLE etc.

·      Q: It looks like we don’t need to access BBLearn all the time.  Correct?

o   A: Yes, it is correct.  If you need to access course materials, you can simply visit ETC545 wiki site at:  When you need to participate module discussions and check BBLearn E-Mail, you can visit BBLearn.  In fact, you can access course wiki site and BBLearn on your mobile devices, if you have one.

·      Q: I find the Instructor’s Notes very helpful in Module 1. Will you continue posting them?

o   A: Yes.  I will post Instructor’s Notes to help us preparing and enhancing our learning regularly and whenever it is necessary. I will post them to multiple places (Twitter, BBLearn E-Mail, & Discussion Board) to help you to access. Even you don’t log on BBLearn, you still can receive it on the course Twitter via your PLE on Symbaloo, Netvibes, Chrome, or other platforms.

I hope these reflections and summaries help you to participate in Module 2 instructions.  If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me at Chih.Tu@Nau.Edu as well.


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